......................................... Jesus came to lead people towards God, and to give his life that our sins may be forgiven and we may have eternal life with him and with God. He gave us the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us on this earthly journey until our time comes to move to Heaven. He came that we may have life, but we must choose this life that is offered.
Satan seeks to steal joy, to kill hope, and to destroy life. His own jealousy caused him to fall, and he wants to take others with him. Like crabs in a bucket, he will pull down those who seek a higher calling, a life with Jesus.
Last year I experienced a revelation. Satan is using our food supply, our water supply, and our environment to steal, kill and destroy. When people are sick and are tired and are hurting, they don't have the energy, the drive, or the resources to go out and do good works in the world, to be God's hands and feet. People who are caught up in their own pain and suffering, are often not concerned with the well-being of others. Well-meaning Christians are not ministering to others and sharing the Good News of salvation, they are too busy just trying to pay the bills, manage their medications, and manage their lives. The pain and the tiredness cause them to be bitter and angry, they don't even know it's happening, they don't see the cause. (I know, I was one of them.) People lack nutrients, they lack good health, they lack good spirits. Even those strong enough to overcome the circumstances may lack the resources to reach out and make a difference, to lead others toward eternal life. It can look like Satan is winning.
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." I see it as my calling to help people have life to the full here on earth, and to shine the light of Jesus upon them. If I have lived my life well, perhaps others will be guided towards God and Jesus, and get to experience life to the full in Heaven. I see my gifts being used to lift others up, to cheer them on, to give them access to good health. That is what Country Mama Hippie Chic is all about. Encouraging myself and others to be good stewards of all that God gives us. To use our resources wisely to make a difference for others. We take care of our bodies so that our bodies can go out and do good works. We take care of our finances so that we can give to those in need. We take care of our planet so that others have a safe home in which to dwell.
So, be it through Plexus, or massage therapy, or financial coaching, or essential oils, or prayer, or just being a good friend, I am here to make a difference for others, for you. I sacrifice daily of my own wants and needs to reach out to others, to shine the light of awareness that gives people choice. I seek to educate, to encourage, to guide, to lead. Please know that in all I do, my motives are pure true. I only want the best for you, and I hope you will choose goodness.
Yours in good health and in life,
Country Mama Hippie Chic
aka Brandi Schunk