Monday, February 29, 2016

Preparing Your Homeschool Philosophy and HOME Convention Info

Deuteronomy 11:19
"Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

One of the greatest tips I received when preparing to homeschool was this: know your homeschooling philosophy.  This one thing is the foundation upon which everything else is laid.  For us, the verse above does a great job of summing up our twofold philosophy- life is the classroom; and be good stewards of all that God gives us, honoring him in all that we do.

We talk about scriptures and biblical principles throughout the day, weaving them into the happenings of daily life.  We do the same with lessons on math, science, spelling, physics, geography, history, politics, art, and every other subject you can think of.  Our bookwork is minimal, our life work is great.

What is your homeschool philosophy?  What principles guide the decisions you make and how you spend your time, your money, your resources, and your energy?

For those in Maine who aren't sure what their philosophy is, perhaps a great way to discover answers is to attend the HOME convention next month.  This annual homeschooling convention is something I've been looking forward to since long before we even moved to Maine.  With workshops, speakers, panel discussions, curriculum sales and vendor booths, and so many like-minded folks to connect with, it's sure to offer inspiration and guidance to all in attendance!

It's not too late to sign up, and there are even scholarships available for those in need.  Come with your questions, come with your curiosity, come with or without your children, come ready to learn and explore and discover more about your family's own personal homeschooling journey.  I hope to see you there!

Yours truly,

Country Mama Hippie Chic
aka Brandi Schunk

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